The Damascus Sermon | The Damascus Sermon | 81
The Voice of Truth

Volkan No: 86

5 Rebîülevvel 1327/ 14 Mart 1325/ 27 March 1909

The way of Muhammad (Upon whom be blessings and peace) is free of all doubts and trickery, and therefore does not condescend to concealing things, which is suggestive of doubt and trickery. Anyway, such a mighty, extensive, allembracing truth could in no way be hidden, especially from the people of this time. How could an ocean be concealed in a pitcher?

I repeat: the means of unity of the İttihad-ı Muhammedî (Muhammadan Union), which in reality is Islamic Unity, is Divine Unity. Its oath and pledge is belief. Its associations and councils are the mosques, religious schools, and Sufi meetingplaces. Its membership consists of all believers. It code of rules are the practices of the Prophet (PBUH). Its laws are the commands and prohibitions of the Shari‘a. This Union consists not of numbers but of worship.

Fear and causing fear are both hypocrisy, but there is no hypocrisy in performing the obligatory acts of religion. The obligatory act of greatest importance at the present time is Islamic Unity. While the aim and goal of Unity [or the Muhammadan Union] is to stir into life the long, manybranched, farreaching luminous chain

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