The Damascus Sermon | The Damascus Sermon | 82

which binds together the centres of Islam and their places of worship, to arouse those bound to it, and through the wishes and promptings of their consciences drive them to the way of progress.

The way of this Union is love; its enmity is only for ignorance, poverty, and strife. NonMuslims should feel sure that this Union attacks only those three facts. Our actions towards nonMuslims consist only of persuasion, for we know them to be civilized. And we suppose them to be fairminded, so we should demonstrate that Islam is lovable and elevated. The lax and negligent should know that they cannot ingratiate themselves with the Europeans by being irreligious, for they only show that they are unprincipled. And no one likes unprincipledness and anarchy. Those who join this Union after due investigation, will not leave it by blindly imitating such people. We present to public opinion the ideas, way, and reality of the Muhammadan Union, which is Islamic Unity. If anyone has any objections, let him voice them; we are ready to answer them.

All the lions of the world are bound to this chain;

Could the fox chew through it by trickery?

S a i d N u r s i

No Voice