The Damascus Sermon | The Damascus Sermon | 85

S e c o n d G r o u n d l e s s F e a r : By using this name specifically you make nonmembers feel alarm and anxiety?

The Answer: I have explained this before, but because it has not been read or has been misunderstood, I am obliged to repeat it. It is like this:

What is meant when we say the İttihad-ı Muhammedî (Muhammad Union), which is Islamic Unity, is the unity between all believers, whether potential or actual. It does not refer to the society in Istanbul and Anatolia. A single drop of water is still water. The word cannot be thought of as specific. Its true definition is as follows:

Its foundations stretch from east to west and from north to south; its centre are the holy places of Mecca and Medina; its point of unity is Divine Unity; its oath and pledge is belief; its code of regulations, the practices of the Prophet (PBUH); its code of laws, the commands and prohibitions of the Shari‘a; its clubs and councils, all the religious schools, mosques, and Sufi meetinghouses; the society’s eternal press organ are all Islamic books, and its constant one is foremost the Qur’an and all Qur’anic commentaries (and at this time, the Risale-i Nur, which is a Qur’anic commentary), as well as all moderate religious papers and journals whose aim is to uphold the Word of God; its membership consists of all believers; and its leader is the Glory of the World (PBUH).

What we want now is the awakening and attention of believers, for the effect of public attention is undeniable. The aim of the Union and its purpose is to uphold

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