The Damascus Sermon | The Damascus Sermon | 84
To Dispel Any Fears

Volkan No: 90

9 Rebîülevvel 1327/ 18 Mart 1325/ 31 March 1909

I shall reply to nine groundless fears voiced about the İttihad-ı Muhammedî (Muhammadan Union).

F i r s t G r o u n d l e s s F e a r : It is inappropriate to put forward the question of religion at a sensitive time such as the present.

The Answer: We love religion, and we love this world for the sake of religion. “There is no good in this world without religion.”

Secondly: Since in constitutionalism sovereignity belongs to the nation, the nation’s existence has to be demonstrated, and our nation is only Islam. For the strongest bond of Arab, Turk, Kurd, Albanian, Circassian, and Laz, and their firmest nationhood, is nothing other than Islam. The foundations of an array of states are being laid, due to negligence and strife incited through the revival of the partisanship and tribalism of the Age of Ignorance, which died one thousand three hundred years ago. We have seen this.

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