The Damascus Sermon | The Damascus Sermon | 88

through vice and irreligion, nor will they resemble them. For no one loves the dissolute and the unprincipled. And if a man wears a woman’s dress, he merely becomes ridiculous.

S e v e n t h G r o u n d l e s s F e a r : The Muhammadan Union has split away from the other religious groups, and this leads to rivalry and mutual aversion.

The Answer: Firstly, there can be no jealousy, contention, and conflict in the matters of the hereafter, so if any of those societies attempts to compete or strive against another it will be as though it is hypocritical and dissembling in worship.

Secondly: We congratulate all societies founded out of love of religion and we unite with them, on two conditions:

First Condition: That they preserve the freedom which is in accordance with the Shari‘a and public order.

Second Condition: That they act out of love, and do not smear other groups for selfadvantage. If any are in error, they should refer it to the religious authorities, who collectively constitute the Mufti of the Umma.

Thirdly: Any society whose aim is upholding the Word of God cannot in any way be the means of animosity and serving its own ends. Even if it wants to, it will not be successful, because to do so is duplicity. The truth is exalted, and may not by sacrificed for anything. Can the Pleiades be swept with a brush or eaten like a

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