The Damascus Sermon | The Damascus Sermon | 90

unknown origins now that they have purified themselves who have joined this sample of Islamic Unity with the firm intention, as far as they can, to revive the practices of the Prophet (PBUH), obey his commands and refrain from what he prohibited, and not disturb public order, will not stain this elevated reality. For even if they themselves are tainted, their belief is sacred. The bond too is belief. One who smears this sacred name with such pretexts, is unaware of Islam’s worth and elevatedness, and simply proclaims himself to be an idiot. We strenuously reject any innuendoes made against our society, which is a sample of Islamic Unity, by analogies made with worldly societies, and efforts to smear it. If anyone offers objections by way of asking for information, we are ready to reply to them. The field is open...!

The society of which I am a member is Islamic Unity, which I have here described in detail. It is not the imaginary organization that critics have falsely described. The members of this religious association are together whether in the north, south, east or west.

Question: You sometimes sign yourself as Bediuzzaman (the Wonder of the Age). Does this not infer selfpraise?

The Answer: It is not for praise; I declare my faults, excuses, and apologies with this title. Because ‘Bedi‘’means strange. And like my form, my conduct, my manner of address, and my attire are all strange and different. Through the tongue of this manner and title I request that the current reasoning and styles based on customary practice are not made the measure and criterion

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