The Damascus Sermon | The Damascus Sermon | 89

bunch of grapes? Anyone who puffs at the sun of reality to extinguish it merely advertises his lunacy.

Newspapers and periodicals which support religion! We say that religious groups and societies should have a common goal. But it is neither possible for them to unite in their ways and methods, nor is it permissible. For it opens up the way blind imitation and causes people to say: “What is it to me? Let others do the thinking.”

E i g h t h G r o u n d l e s s F e a r : The majority of the people who have joined the Union here, both in fact and in spirit, supporters of Islamic Unity, are ordinary people, and some are an unknown quantity; this hints of conflict and dissension.

The Answer: It is rather as a consequence of enmity not being permitted. Also, since its aim is unity and upholding the Word of God, all its activities and endeavours are worship. In the mosque of worship king and beggar are equal. True equality is its principle; there is no privilege. The best is the one most fearing of God. And the one most fearing of God is the most humble. As a consequence, together with joining in meaning the true Union,(26) he will be honoured by joining this Union, which is a physical sample of it. A single droplet does not increase the ocean. And just as one grievous sin does not cause a person to cease being a believer, so the door of repentance is open till the sun rises in the west. And in the same way that a flagon of impure water does not make the ocean unclean, a number of persons of unknown

(26) That is, Islamic Unity. [Tr.]
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