The Spirit And The Angels | THE TWENTY NINTH WORD | 47

Say, He will give them life Who created them in the first instance...(19)

That is, the One Who created you from nothing in so wise a form is He Who will bring you to life again in the hereafter. And it says:

And it is He Who begins [the process of] creation, then repeats it; and for Him it is most easy.(20)

That is, “Your return and being raised to life at the resurrection is easier and more trouble-free than your creation in this world.”

Just as it is easier and more trouble-free for the soldiers of a regiment who have dispersed to rest to regather under the regimental flag at the sound of a bugle than forming a new regiment from scratch, so according to reason, it is easier and more possible than the first creation for the fundamental particles of a body, which are intermingled and familiar and connected with one another, to regather at the trumpet-blast of the angel Israfil (Peace be upon him), and reply to the All-Glorious Creator’s command with, “Here we are, O Lord!” Anyway, perhaps it is not necessary for all the particles to regather. The fundamental parts and essential particles, which are like nuclei and seeds, and are called “the root of the

(19) Qur’an, 36:79.
(20) Qur’an, 30:27.

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