The Spirit And The Angels | THE TWENTY NINTH WORD | 49

to another world. Man’s essence is indeed mighty, so he is designated for eternity. His nature is exalted, so his crimes are great. He does not resemble other beings. His order is important, too. He cannot live without order. He cannot live without meaning. He cannot be made in vain. He cannot be condemned to absolute extinction. He cannot escape to pure nonexistence. Hell has opened its mouth, and awaits him. And Paradise has opened its graceful embrace, and watches him. Since the Third Truth of the Tenth Word has demonstrated these two examples most beautifully, we shall cut the discussion short here.

By way of example, you may make analogies and study other verses from the Qur’an similar to the two above, which contain many subtle and rational proofs.

Thus, these Ten Sources and Central Points form a decisive proof and certain supposition, and just as this sound hypothesis and powerful proof are decisive evidence for the cause and necessity of the resurrection and Day of Judgement, so as is clearly proved in the Tenth Word do most of the +Most Beautiful Names, like All-Wise, All-Compassionate, Preserver, and All-Just, require the coming of the Last Day and resurrection, and the existence of everlasting bliss; they point clearly to the realization of eternal happiness. That is to say, the matters necessitating the resurrection of the dead and the Day of Judgement are so powerful that they leave no room at all for any doubt or uncertainty.

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