The Spirit And The Angels | THE TWENTY NINTH WORD | 48

tail” (the coccyx) in a Hadith,(21) may be sufficient as a basis of the second creation. The All-Wise Creator may construct the human body on them.

The following is a summary of the judicial comparison indicated by verses like the third one above:

Nor is your Sustainer ever unjust to His servants.

We often see in this world that tyrannical, sinful and cruel men pass their lives in great ease and comfort, while the oppressed, upright and religious live under great difficulties and in degradation. Then death comes and makes the two equal. If this equality had no end and was not finite, an injustice would be apparent. However, since Divine wisdom and justice are free of all inequity as is established by the testimony of the universe, they self-evidently require a final assembly where the former will be punished and the latter receive their reward. Then disorderly, wretched men may receive punishment and reward in conformity with their potentialities, be the means of absolute justice, manifest dominical wisdom, and be the elder brother of all the beings in the world.

For sure, the realm of this world does not allow for the blossoming of man’s limitless potentialities contained within his spirit. This means he will be sent

(21) Bukhari, Tafsir Sura al-Zumar, 3; Tafsir Sura al-Nabi, 1; Muslim, Fitan, 141-3.
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