The Supreme Sign | AN IMPORTANT WARNING | 15

miraculously foresaw its composition and gave it the names “Supreme Sign” and “Staff of Moses.” He looked upon this part of the Risale-i Nur with special favour, and directed man’s gaze toward it.(1) The Supreme Sign is a true exposition of the Supreme Verse,(2) and it constitutes at the same time the Seventh Ray, designated by the Imam as the Staff of Moses.

This treatise consists of an Introduction and two Stations. The Introduction sets forth four important matters; the First Station contains the Arabic portion of the exposition of the Supreme Verse; and the Second Station consists of the translation of that expostion together with the accompanying proofs.

Too much has been explained in the following Introduction, but it was not my intention to lengthen it thus. The fact that it was written at this length indicates the existence of a need. Indeed, some people may regard it as too short, despite its length.

S a i d N u r s î


(1) The events that took place in Denizli fully confirmed the prediction of Imam ‘Ali concerning the Supreme Sign. For the secret printing of this book was the cause of our imprisonment, and the triumph of its sacred and most powerful truth was the main cause of our acquittal and deliverance. Thus did Imam ‘Ali make manifest his miraculous prediction, and prove the acceptance of the prayer he had uttered on our behalf: “By means of the Supreme Sign, secure me against sudden death!”
(2) See page 130, footnote 7.

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