The Supreme Sign | First Chapter | 81

their hearts. To spirits, it has been a means of development and advancement; to intellects, an orientation and light; to life, it has been life itself and felicity. Such a book is of a certainty unparalleled; it is a wonder, a marvel, and a miracle.

T h i r d P o i n t : The Qur’an, from that age down to the present, has demonstrated such eloquence that it caused the value attached to the odes known as “Seven Hanging Poems” that were written in gold on the walls of the Ka‘ba to descend to such a point that the daughter of Labid, when taking down her father’s poem from the Ka‘ba, said, “Compared with the verses of the Qur’an, this no longer has any value.”

A bedouin poet heard this verse being recited,

Therefore expound openly what you are commanded(1),

and immediately prostrated. They asked him: “Have you become a Muslim?” “No,” he replied, “I was prostrating before the eloquence of this verse.”

Thousands of scholars and litterateurs, like geniuses of the science of rhetoric such as ‘Abd al-Qahir Jurjani, Sakkaki, and Zamakhshari, have unanimously decided that the eloquence of the Qur’an is beyond human capacity and is unattainable.The Qur’an has also from that time forward

(1) Qur’an, 15:94.

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