The Supreme Sign | Second Chapter | 110

Concerning Proofs of the Divine Unity

[The traveller who had been sent to the world in order to attain faith, who journeyed through the whole cosmos in his mind in order to ask all things concerning his Creator, to seek his Sustainer in every place and find his God, with the utmost certainty, at the point of Necessary Existence this traveller said to his intellect: “Come, let us depart on a new journey in order to behold the proofs of the unity of our Necessarily Existent Creator.”
hey set out together. At the First StoppingPlace, they saw four sacred truths prevailing over the whole cosmos, truths that selfevidently necessitated the unity of God.]

THE FIRST TRUTH: Absolute Divinity

The absorption of each class of men in a mode of worship dictated by their innate dispositions; the species of worship engaged in by other animate beings, as well as inanimate beings, through the performance of their essential functions; the way in which all material and immaterial bounties and gifts in the cosmos become means inciting men to worship

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