The Supreme Sign | Second Chapter | 133

does not interfere with another.

The remaining Mysteries, from the third and fourth as far as the thirteenth, have been postponed to another time in a fashion disagreeable to me.

THE FOURTH TRUTH: The existence and appearance of all beings proclaim the Divine unity in a self-evident fashion through their numerous points of unity and convergence, such as being simultaneously together and yet separate and unique; resembling one another; being the miniature or magnified versions of each other; being some, universals and species, and some, particulars and individuals; resembling each other in the stamp of innate disposition; having affinity in the impress of artistry; and aiding and complementing each other with respect to their innate functions. They establish the unity of their Maker. And with respect to dominicality, make it clear that the cosmos is a universal and a whole that may not be divided or fragmented.

For example, in each spring, to create, order and sustain the innumerable members of the four hundred thousand different species of plants and animals, together and intermingled, in a single moment and in the same fashion, without any error or mistake, with the utmost wisdom and perfection of artistry; to create all the different species of bird, from flies, which are like birds in miniature, to eagles

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