The Supreme Sign | Second Chapter | 139

degree of being selfevident that those elements together with what they embrace, and those species, together with their separate members, are the product and property of a single being. They are the products and servants of so Unique and Powerful a One that He employs those vast and and imperious elements as obedient servants and those species diffused throughout the earth as well disciplined soldiers. Since this truth also has been established and explained in other places in the Risale-i Nur, we content ourselves here with this brief indication.

In summary of the witnessings that he derived from these Five Truths, through the superabundance of faith and the joy of Divine unity, and in expression of his feelings, our traveller said to his heart:

Look upon the coloured page of the cosmic book;
See what forms the golden pen of power has traced.
No dark point remains for the gaze of the heart’s eye;
It is as if God has inscribed His signs with light.
Know too that:
The leaves in the world’s book are dimensions infinite;
The lines of time’s events are works innumerable.

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