The Supreme Sign | Second Chapter | 145

the opening of forms is repeatedly established and expounded in different ways elsewhere in the Risale-i Nur, and particularly in the Sixth and Seventh Degrees of the First Chapter of the Second Station of this treatise, we refer the discussion of this matter to those places and restrict ourselves here to the following:

According to the testimony of botany and biology, based on profound research, there is in the opening and unfolding of forms, such comprehen siveness and artistry that other than a Single and Unique One, One Absolutely Powerful, able to see and do all things in all things, no one could undertake this comprehensive and allembracing deed. For this deed of the unfolding of forms demands a wisdom, an attention and a comprehensiveness that are present at all times and are contained within an infinite power. This power, in turn, can be found only in that Unique Being Who administers the whole cosmos.

As is decreed in the abovequoted verses, God’s attribute of ‘opening’ expressed in the opening and creation of the forms of men from their mother’s wombs, within three darknesses, separately, with equilibrium, distinctness, and order, without any error, confusion, or mistake; this truth of the unfolding of the forms of all men and animals, all over the earth, with the same power, the same wisdom and the same artistry, is a most powerful proof of God’s unity. For

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