The Supreme Sign | Second Chapter | 154

There is no moving thing on earth but depends on God for its sustenance; He knows its restingplace and storage-place; all is in a book perspicuous(1)

provides a dominical guarantee and pledge to furnish provision for all men and animals. Similarly, the verse,

The beasts do not carry their sustenance; God sustains them and you, and He is All-Hearing, All-Knowing(2),

establishes and proclaims that it is God Who guarantees and provides for all impotent, powerless, weak and wretched creatures that are unable to secure their own sustenance, in an unexpected fashion, indeed from the Unseen or even out of nothing; it is He for example Who provides for insects on the ocean bed and their young. This proclamation is directed in particular to those men who worship causes and are

(1) Qur’an, 11:6.
(2) Qur’an, 29:60.

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