The Supreme Sign | Second Chapter | 161

truths causes our belief to advance from imitation to realization, from realization to knowledge of certainty, from knowledge of certainty to vision of certainty, and from vision of certainty to absolute certainty. Praise be to God; this is from the bounty of my Sustainer.”

Praise be to God Who guided us to this; verily we would not have been guided unless God had guided us. The messengers of God have come to us with the truth(1).

In extremely brief allusion to the lights of belief derived by our inquisitive traveller from the four sublime truths he witnessed at the Third Stopping-Place, it was said in the Second Chapter of the First Station, concerning the truths of the Third Stopping-Place:

There is no god other than God, the One, the Unique, to Whose Unity in Necessary Existence points the witnessing of the sublimity of the comprehensiveness of the truth of opening, through the unfolding of different forms of four hundred thousand species of living beings, perfect and without

Qur’an, 7:43
No Voice