The Supreme Sign | The Deed Of Paradise | 184

monsters. Such a person as though manifests the verse,

And those who reject belief, their protectors are the evil ones; they lead them out of light into darkness(1).

But if such a man attains to Divine guidance and belief enters his heart, and if the tyranny of his soul is smashed and he heeds God’s Book, he will resemble my second state in the vision. Then the universe will suddenly take on the colour of day and be filled with Divine light. The world will recite the verse,

God is the light of the heavens and the earth(2).

Then he will see with the eye of the heart that the past is not a vast grave, but where the groups of purified spirits who each century having performed their duties of worship under the leadership of a prophet or saint exclaim, “God is Most Great!” on completion of the duties of their lives, and fly to elevated abodes, moving on to the past. He will look to the left, and through the light of belief distinguish

(1) Qur’an, 2:257.
(2) Qur’an, 24:35.
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