Islamic Union | The Islamic Unity | 46

He surely saw the spiritual poles and the Imams, who were the inheritors of prophethood, and the Mahdis, who would follow on in the lines of Hasan and Husain. And for sure he would kiss their heads in the name of all of them. Yes, Shah Geylani has a large part in his kissing Hasan’s head.


According to one interpretation, the meaning of the verse:

Say: I ask of you no recompense save love of my close kin..(Q 42-23)

is that "the Most Noble Prophet (PBUH) wants no reward for carrying out the duty of prophethood; he wants only love for his family."

If it is said : "According to this meaning, it seems there is an advantage to be gained from a family relationship. Whereas, according to the meaning of:

The most honoured of you in the sight of God is the most righteous of you..(Q 49-13)

it is not in regard to family relationships that prophethood functions, but in regard to closeness to God,"

T h e A n s w e r : With his vision which penetrated the Unseen, the Most Noble Prophet (PBUH) saw that his Family would become like a light-giving tree within the world of Islam.

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