Islamic Union | The Islamic Unity | 48

Thus, this is why this truth was made known in Hadiths under the heading of following the Book and the Prophet’s Practices. That is to say, what was required from the Family of the Prophet in respect of the function of prophethood were the Practices of the Prophet. Just as someone who abandoned the Prophet’s Practices could not truly be a member of his Family, so too such a person could not be a true friend to them.

Also, the reason he desired his Community to gather round his Family was that, with God’s permission, he knew his Family were going to become very numerous with the passing of time, and that Islam was going to become weak. Therefore an extremely strong and numerous mutually supportive group of people was necessary so that it could be the means to and centre for the spiritual and moral progress of the World of Islam. With Divine permission, he thought of this, and desired that his Community should gather round his Family.

Indeed, even if the members of the Prophet’s Family were not greatly in advance of others in matters of belief and faith, they were still greatly ahead of them in regard to submission, partiality, and partisanship. For they were followers of Islam by nature, birth, and temperament.

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