Islamic Union | The Islamic Unity | 51

spring creates samples of the summer and in an hour in summer creates a winter storm, such an All-Powerful One of Glory can also scatter the darkness of the World of Islam by means of the Mahdi. And He has promised this, and certainly He will carry out His promise.

If considered from the point of view of Divine Power, it is most easy. And if it is thought of from the point of view of causes and Divine Wisdom, it is again so reasonable and necessary that thinkers have asserted that even if it had not been narrated from the Bringer of Sure News (s.a.w.), it still should have been. And it will be.

It is like this: All praise be to God, the prayer, "O God, grant blessings to our master Muhammed and to the Family of our master Muhammed, as you granted blessings to Abraham and to the Family of Abraham, in all the world; indeed You are worthy of all praise, exalted!", which is repeated by all the Muslim community five times every day in all the obligatory prayers, has self-evidently been accepted.

For like the Family of Abraham (Upon whom be peace), the Family of Muhammad (Upon whom be blessings and peace) have assumed such a position that they stand as commanders at the head of all blessed chains in the assemblies of all the regions of the world in all centuries. (Just one of them is Sayyed Ahmad al Sanusi, who commands millions of followers.

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