Islamic Union | The Islamic Unity | 52

Another is Sayyed Idris, who commands more than one hundred thousand. Another Sayyed like Sayyed Yahya commands hundreds of thousands of men. And so on. Just as among the individuals of this tribe of Sayyeds there are numerous outward commanders, so too there are the Heroes of Spiritual Heroes, like Sayyed AbdulQadir Gilani, Sayyed Abul Hasan al-Shazali, and Sayyed Ahmad al Badawi.).

And they are so numerous that all the commanders together form a mighty army. If they took on physical form and through their solidarity were formed into a division, if they awakened the religion of Islam and bound it together in Unity, which would be like a sacred nationhood, no nation’s army could withstand them. Thus, that numerous and powerful army is the Family of the Muhammad (Upon whom be blessings and peace), the most select army of the Mahdi.

Yes, today in the world there is no family distinguished by such high honour and elevated qualities and nobility in its descendents, in unbroken succession and well-documented genealogy, which is as powerful and important as the line of Sayyeds of the Family of the Prophet. Since early times it is they who have been at the heads of all the groups of the people of truth, and they who have been the renowned leaders of the people of perfection.

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