Islamic Union | The Islamic Unity | 53

And now it is a blessed line whose numbers exceed millions. Vigilant and circumspect, their hearts full of belief and love of the Prophet, they are distinguished by the honour of their world-renowned lineage.

Momentous events which will awaken and arouse that sacred force within a vast community such as that shall occur... Certainly, the elevated ardour in that huge force will surge up and the Mahdi shall come to lead it, driving it to the way of truth and reality. We await from the Divine law and Divine mercy that it should be such - and its being such, like we await the coming of spring after winter; and we are right to await it...

The Mahdi’s Luminous Community will repair the destruction of the innovative regime of the secret society of the Sufyan (Anti-Islam), and will restore the Prophet’s glorious Sunna. That is to say, the secret society of the Sufyan will try to destroy the Shari’a of Muhammed (PBUH) in the World of Islam with the intention of denying his Prophethood, and will be killed and routed by the Miraculous Immaterial Sword of the Mahdi’s Community.

Moreover, in the world of humanity, the secret society of the Dajjal (Anti-Christ) will overturn civilization and all mankind’s sacred matters, with the intention of denying the Godhead. And a zealous and self sacrificing community known as a Christian community but worthy of being called "Muslim Christians,"

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