Islamic Union | The Islamic Unity | 47

The overwhelming majority of those who would perform the duty of guides instructing every level of the World of Islam in human attainment and perfection would emerge from his Family. He divined that his Community’s prayer for his Family in the final section of the prescribed prayers: "O God, grant blessings to our master Muhammed and to the Family of our master Muhammed, as You granted blessings to Abraham and to the Family of Abraham; indeed, You are Worthy of Praise, Most Exalted" would be accepted. That is to say, like the vast majority of the luminous guides among the people of Abraham were prophets of the family and line of Abraham, he saw in his Community also, the spiritual poles of the Family of Muhammed performing the great duties of Islam, and in most of the paths and Sufi orders, like the prophets of Israel. Therefore, being commanded to say: Say: I ask of you no recompense save love of my close kin, he wanted his Community to love his Family.

There are numerous narrations corroborating this fact. He repeatedly decreed: "I leave you two things. If you adhere to them, you will find salvation: one is God’s Book, the other is my Family." (Tirmidhi-Manaqib 31, Musnad-III 14,17,26).

For those who were the source and guardians of the Prophet’s Practices, and were charged with complying with them in every respect, were his Family.

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