Biography of Bediüzzaman Said Nursi | PART ONE - The Old Said | 15
Village of Pirmis, and then to the summer pastures of the Hizan Seyh, the Naksibendi Seyyid Nur Muhammed. There, his independent spirit and the fact that he could not endure being dominated in any way made him fall out with four other students in particular. They would join forces and harass him constantly. So, one day Said went to Seyyid Nur Muhammed and said: “Seyh Efendi! Please tell them that when they fight me to come two at a time and not all four at once.” This courage on the part of the ten-year-old Said pleased the Seyh greatly, who smiled and said: “You are my student, no one shall bother you !” And from then on Said was known as ‘the Seyh’s student’.
· Visit to Nurs
Seyh Nur Muhammed was intrigued by Said's ability and courage, and one day set out together with him and some others of his students on the six or seven hour journey to Nurs in order to meet his parents. A short time after arriving, Mirza appeared, driving before him two cows and two oxen with their mouths bound. After the introductions, Said's teacher asked him the reason for this. Mirza replied in a modest manner:
"Sir, our fields are a fair way off. On the way, I pass through the fields and gardens of many other people. If these animals' mouths were not tied, it is possible they would eat their produce. I tie them up so that there is nothing unlawful in our food."
Having seen how upright Said's father was, Seyh Nur Muhammed asked how she had brought up Said. Nuriye Hanim replied;
"When I was pregnant with Said. I never set a foot on the ground without being purified with ablutions. And when he came into the world, there was not a day when I did not suckle him without being purified by ablutions."
Said's teacher had now discovered what he had come to learn. Of course such parents should expect to have such a son. They spent that night in Nurs and returned the following morning to Hizan.
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