Biography of Bediüzzaman Said Nursi | PART ONE - The Old Said | 17
Young Said would in no way accept zekat or alms. To accept assistance meant becoming obliged to others. and he felt that to be an unbearable burden on his spirit.
One day, his fellow students went to the neighboring villages to collect zekat, but Said did not accompany them. The villagers, being impressed by this and appreciative of his independence, themselves collected a sum of ; money and tried to give it to him. But Said thanked them and refused it. Whereupon they gave it to Molla Abdullah in the hope that he would persuade him to accept it. The following exchange then ensued:
Said said: "Buy me a rifle with the money!"
Molla Abdullah: "No, that is not possible."
"Well, in that case, get me a revolver."
"No, that is not possible, either."
So, smiling, Said said : "Well, get me a dagger, then."
At which his elder brother laughed and said: "No, neither is that possible. I'll only buy you some grapes; then we will make sure the matter remains sweet!"
· Said Dreams of the Prophet (PBUH)
That winter Said spent in Nurs. In the course of it, he had a powerful dream which impelled him to return to his studies. It was like this: it was the Last Day and the Resurrection was taking place. Said felt a desire to visit the Prophet Muhammed (PBUH). While wondering how he could achieve this, it occurred to him to go and sit by the Bridge of Sirat, because everyone has to pass over it. While the Prophet is passing, he thought, I shall meet him and kiss his hand. So he went and sat by the Bridge and there met with all the prophets and kissed their hands. Finally, the Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) came. Said kissed his hands and asked for knowledge from him. The Prophet said: "Knowledge of the Qur'an will be given you on condition you ask no questions of any of my community." Upon which Said awoke in a state of great excitement. And indeed, he
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