Biography of Bediüzzaman Said Nursi | PART ONE - The Old Said | 18
thereafter made it a personal rule never to ask questions of other scholars. Even when he went to Istanbul, he adhered to it; he only ever answered questions put to him.
So following the dream, Bediuzzaman left Nurs going first to the village of Arvas and from there to Seyh Emin Efendi's medrese in Bitlis. Because of Said's tender years, the Seyh did not teach Said himself, saying he would appoint one of his students to do so. This wounded Said's self-esteem. One day while Seyh Emin was teaching in the mosque, Said rose to his feet objecting to what he was saying with the words: "Sir! You are wrong, it is not like that!" The Seyh and his students looked at the young Said in amazement. Then, Said remembered that the Seyh did not even condescend to teach him.
Shortly after this Said set off for the Mir Hasan Veli Medrese at Müküs [Bahceseray], whose principal was Molla Abdulkerim. When he saw that the new, lower grade students were given no importance, he ignored the first seven books, which should have been studied in sequence and announced he would study the eighth. He remained there only a few days then went to Vastan [Gevas] near Van. After a month in Gevas, he set off with a companion called Molla Mehmed for [Dogu] Bayezit, a small town in the province of Erzurum and it was here that his real studies commenced. Until this time, he had only studied the principles of Arabic grammar and syntax.'
· Bayezit
Said's period of study in the Bayezit Medrese under Seyh Mehmed Celali lasted only three months, but it was to provide him with the foundations of or key to the religious sciences on which his later thought and works would be based. Also, it was once again to
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