Biography of Bediüzzaman Said Nursi | PART ONE - The Old Said | 16
· "One of the Nurs students will revivify the religion of Islam"
After remaining a while longer with Seyyid Nur Muhammed, Said went together with his elder brother, Abdullah, to the village of Nursin. Since it was summer, they then left the village together with the villagers and other students for the high pastures of Seyhan. Once there, Said quarreled with his elder brother, and they fell out. The teacher of the Tag medrese, Mehmed Emin Efendi was angry with Said and asked him why he opposed his elder brother. But Said did not recognize the teacher's authority either, and told him that since the medrese where they were at the time belonged to the famous Seyh Abdurrahman Tagi, he was a student like himself, and did not have the right to act as a teacher. Then he left the medrese immediately for Nursin, passing through a dense forest that was difficult to penetrate even by day.
It was later related from Bediuzzaman himself that the owner of the Tag Medrese, Seyh Abdurrahman Tagi, used to show a close interest in the students from Nurs, rising at night during the winter to make sure they were all covered and would not catch cold. Moreover, he used to say to the older students:
"Look after these students from Nurs well, one of them will revivify the religion of Islam, but which of them it will be I do not know at present."
· Young Said's Independence
At that time in eastern Anatolia any scholar who had completed the course of study in a medrese and could demonstrate his mastery of the subjects obtained his diploma (icazet), and could then open a medrese in a village of his choice. If he was able, he would himself meet the needs of the students, such as food, heating and clothing, and if he was not able, they were met by the villagers either through zekat or some other way. The teacher asked for no payment for his teaching.
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