The Rays | The Fifth Ray | 119

represent. At one time, the Commander-in-Chief of the Japanese Army, which had defeated Russia, was shown in a picture with one foot in the Pacific Ocean and the other foot in the fort of Port Arthur. The vastness of its collective personality was depicted in the representation of his person, and in the gigantic form of the representation. As for their extraordinarily vast power, since most of the affairs they carry out are destructive and related to the appetites, they appear to have extraordinary power, for destruction is easy; one match can burn down a village. As for the satisfying the animal appetites, since it is what the instinctual soul wants, it is much sought after.


There is a narration which says: “At the end of time, one man will look after forty women.”20

God knows what is best, this may be interpreted in two ways:

Firstly: Lawful marriage will decrease at that time, or like in Russia, it will disappear. Someone who flees from being tied to one woman, will remain at a loose end, and become a shepherd to forty unfortunate women.

The Second: It is an allusion that at that time of dissension, most of the men will perish in wars, and for some reason most of the children born will be girls. Perhaps as well, the total freedom of women will so inflame their lust that they will acquire innate superiority over their menfolk. This will result in their causing their children to take after them, and through the Divine command, girl children will be more numerous.


It says in narrations : “The Dajjal’s first day will be a year, his second day a month, his third day a week, and his fourth day a day.”21

None knows the Unseen save God, this may be interpreted in

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