The Rays | The Fifth Ray | 121

will be killed by Jesus’ (PUH) sword— and destroy his ideas and disbelief, which are atheistic. Those truly pious Christians will blend the essence of true Christianity with the essence of Islam and rout the Dajjal with their combined strength, in effect killing him. The narration: “Jesus (Peace be upon him) will come and will perform the obligatory prayers behind the Mahdi and follow him,”23 alludes to this union, and to the sovereignty of the Qur’an and its being followed.


It says in a narration: “The Dajjal will draw his main strength from the Jews. The Jews will follow him willingly.”24

God knows best, we can say that in part this narration’s meaning was fulfilled in Russia, for the Jews, who have been persecuted by every state, gathered in large numbers in Germany in order to take their revenge. Then, due to the important role he played in the founding of the revolutionary communist party, the terrible Trotsky, who was a Jew, took over the leadership of the Russian Army, then the government after the famous Lenin, who had trained him, and they set fire to Russia and laid waste whatever it had achieved over a thousand years. They showed that they were the secret revolutionary committee of the Dajjal and they carried out some of his works. They caused serious upheavals in other countries as well, and fomented much trouble.


The events involving Gog and Magog are mentioned concisely in the Qur’an, and there are some details of them in narrations. Those details are not firmly established like the concise but incontrovertible matters of the Qur’an, and may be considered allegorical. They require interpretation. Indeed, they need to be interpreted, for the narrators’ interpretations have been mixed in with them.

Yes, None knows the Unseen save God, one interpretation is this: it is an allusion and indication that just as the Manchurian and Mongol tribes, which in the heavenly tongue of the Qur’an are

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