The Rays | The Fifth Ray | 120

two ways:

The First: It is an allusion and sign that the Great Dajjal will appear near the North Pole or towards the north. For close to the North Pole the whole year is one day and one night. If he comes a day’s journey in this direction by train in the summer, for a month the sun never sets. If he comes a day further in this direction, the sun is visible for a whole week. When I was a prisoner-of-war in Russia I was close to this region. That means it foretells miraculously that the Great Dajjal will attack from the North in this direction.

The Second Interpretation: The three days refer to both the Great Dajjal and the Islamic Dajjal having three periods of despotism. With elevated eloquence it informs the Umma that “in his first day; in his first period of government, he will perform works so great they could not be performed in three hundred years. On his second day, that is, in his second period, he will carry out such works as could not be carried out in thirty years. In his third day and period, the transformations he will bring about could not be brought about in ten years. While in his fourth day and period he will be reduced to the ordinary and do nothing, only try to maintain his position.”


There is a definite, sound narration which says: “Jesus (Peace be upon him) will kill the Great Dajjal.”22

The knowledge is with God, there are two aspects to this:

The First Aspect: It could only be a wondrous person with the power of miracles who could kill and change the way of the awesome Dajjal, who will preserve himself through wonders, bestowed on him by God in order to lead him astray, such as magic, hypnotic powers, and spiritualism, and will spellbind everyone. And that person will be Jesus (Peace be upon him), who is the prophet of the majority of mankind, and whom most people follow.

The Second Aspect is this: It will be the truly pious followers of Jesus who will kill the gigantic collective personality of materialism and irreligion which the Dajjal will form —for the Dajjal

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