The Rays | The Fifth Ray | 122

 called “Gog and Magog,”25 together with some other tribes, several times overturned Asia and Europe; so will they again cause chaos in the world in the future. In fact even now some of them are famous anarchists, and anarchy is born of communism.

Yes, socialism sprang up in the French Revolution from the seed of libertarianism. Then since socialism destroyed certain sacred matters, the ideas it inculcated turned into bolshevism. And because bolshevism corrupted even more sacred moral and human values, and those of the human heart, of course the seeds it sowed will produce anarchy, which recognizes no restrictions whatsoever and has respect for nothing. For if respect and compassion quit the human heart, those with such hearts become exceedingly cruel beasts and can no longer be governed through politics. Just the place for the idea of anarchy will be those oppressed, numerous raiding tribes, which are backward in respect of both civilization and government. The people who fit those conditions are the Manchurian, Mongol, and some of the Kirghiz tribes, who caused the building of the Great Wall of China, which is forty-days’ distance in length and is one of the seven wonders of the world. Expounding the Qur’an’s concise statements about them, Muhammad (Peace and blessings be upon him) predicted their appearance miraculously and precisely.


It says in a narration in connection with Jesus (Peace be upon him) killing the Dajjal: “The Dajjal will have a colossal form, he will be extraordinarily big and taller than a minaret, while Jesus (PUH) will be very small in comparison.”26

None knows the Unseen save God, one interpretation must be as follows: it is an allusion and sign that quantitively the spiritual community of muja\hidên who will recognize Jesus (Peace be upon him) and follow him, will be very few and small comparatively to the ‘scientific’, physical armies of the Dajjal.


It says in a narration: “The day the Dajjal appears all the

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