The Rays | The Eleventh Ray | 328


[This forms a brief indication to a lengthy truth concerning a subtle point of miraculousness of great importance which was imparted to me after sunset and demonstrates clearly miraculous predictions of Sura al-Falaq concerning the Unseen.]

In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate.

Say: I seek refuge with the Sustainer of the rising dawn * From the evil of aught that He has created, * And from the evil of the black darkness whenever it descends, * And from the evil of blowers on knots, * And from the evil of the envious when he envies.48

Commanding God’s Messenger (PBUH) and his community to “Protect yourselves from the evil beings and satans among jinn and men who strive in the universe on account of the worlds of non-being,” this mighty, wondrous verse looks to all ages, and through its allusive meaning looks to a greater degree to our strange age, even explicitly, and calls on the Qur’an’s servants to seek refuge with God. This miraculous prediction about the Unseen will be explained briefly in five signs, as follows:

All the verses of this sura have numerous meanings. Only in respect of its allusive meaning, its repeating the word “evil” four times in five sentences; and with a powerful relation and in four ways its pointing the finger with the same date to the four unparalleled, ghastly, stormy evils, material and immaterial, of this age, with its revolutions and clashes, and its implicitly giving the command: “withdraw from these;” is certainly guidance from the Unseen in a way befitting the Qur’an’s miraculousness.

For example, the sentence Say: I seek refuge with the Sustainer

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