The Rays | The Eleventh Ray | 329

of the dawn ‘coincides’ with the date 1352 or 1354 according to abjad and jafr reckoning, alluding to the Second World War, which was brewing up then erupted due to the prevalent ambition and greed of mankind and the First War, and in effect saying to the community of Muhammad (PBUH): “Do not enter this war, but seek refuge with your Sustainer.” With another of its allusive meanings, as a special favour to the Risale-i Nur students, who are servants of the Qur’an, it hints to them that they were to be saved around the same date from Eskishehir Prison and an awesome evil, and that the plans to eliminate them would come to nothing. It was as though commanding them symbolically to seek refuge with God.

And for example, the sentence From the evil of aught that He has created makes 1361 —the doubled ra is not counted— and points the finger through both the Rumi and Hijri dates at the cruel, tyrannical destruction of this unmatched war. ‘Coinciding’ too with the Risale-i Nur students, who work with all their strength to serve the Qur’an, being delivered from an extensive plan to eliminate them and from a grievous calamity and Denizli Prison, it looks with an allusive meaning to them too. With a concealed sign it says: “Protect yourselves from the evil of creatures.”

And for example, making 1328 if the doubled letters are not counted and 1358 if the doubled la\m is counted, the sentence the blowers on knots ‘coincides’ with the dates when due their ambition and greed the Europeans tyrants who caused the two World Wars, instigated a change of Sultan and the Balkan and Italian Wars with the idea of spoiling the consequences of the Constitutional Revolution, which favoured the Qur’an; then with the outbreak of the First World War, through the political diplomats blowing their evils, material and immaterial and their sorcery and poison into everyone’s heads through the tongue of the radio and their inculcating their covert plans into the heart of human destiny, they prepared the evils that would savagely destroy a thousand years of the progress of civilization, which corresponds exactly with the meaning of the blowers on knots.

And for example, the sentence And from the evil of the envious when he envies makes 1347 —the doubled ra and tanwin are not counted— and coincides exactly, and corresponds in meaning, with the significant upheavals which occurred in this country due to

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