The Rays | The Eleventh Ray | 331

An addendum to a point about the miraculousness of this sura

Just as with four of its five sentences, this sura looks with its allusive meaning to the four largest evil revolutions and storms this century; so, with its allusive meaning and according to jafr reckoning, by its repeating four times the phrase from the evil of (min sharri) —the doubling is not counted, it looks to and points the finger at the century of the dissension of Jenghiz Khan and Hulagu and the time of the fall of the ‘Abbasid dynasty, which was the most fearsome calamity experienced by the Islamic world.

Yes, without doubling, the evil (sharri) makes 500, and from (min) is 90. Numerous verses which look to the future, as well as Imam ‘Ali (May God be pleased with him) and Ghawth al-A‘zam (May his mystery be sanctified), who alluded to both our century and those times in their predictions of the future, saw both our century and that century and made predictions in exactly the same way. With ghasiq making 1161 and idha waqab making 810, the words (ghasiq idha waqab) look not to these times, but to the significant material and immaterial evils of those times. If they are counted together, they make 1971, and give news of some ghastly evil at that date. If the crops of the seeds of the present are not rectified, the blows will certainly be terrible.

A Supplement to the Addendum of the Eleventh Topic

In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate.

The verse, Let there be no compulsion (in religion; Truth stands out) from error,49 which is the complement of the Throne Verse, makes 1350; whoever rejects evil makes 1929 or 1928; and believes in God has grasped makes 946, corresponding to the name ‘Risaletü’n-Nur;’ the most trustworthy handhold makes 1347; that never breaks, and God is All-Seeing, All-Knowing * (God) (is the

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