The Rays | The Eleventh Ray | 330

enforced European treaties, and the changes that took place in this religious nation due to the oppression of philosophy, and the awesome envy, rivalry and clashes in various countries which paved the way for the Second World War. These are surely flashes of this sacred sura’s miraculous predictions concerning the Unseen.

A Reminder

All Qur’anic verses have numerous meanings. And all the meanings are universal; they have significations in every century. Those discussed here are only its level of allusive meaning which looks to our century. Within that universal meaning our age is one signification. But it has gained particularity, and looks to it and its date. Since these last four years I have known neither the stages of the war, nor its results, nor whether or not peace has been declared, and I have not asked, I have not knocked on the door of this sacred sura to learn how many allusions it contains to this century and its wars. It has however been proved and explained in various parts of the Risale-i Nur, and especially in Rumûzât-i Semaniye (The Eight Symbols), that this treasury contains many more mysteries, so referring readers to those, I am cutting this short.

The answer to a question that might occur to one

In this flash of miraculousness, in the From the evil of aught that He has created at the beginning, both the from (min) and the evil (sharr) being counted, and in and from the evil of the envious when he envies at the end, only the word evil (sharr) being counted, and and from (wa min) not being counted, and in neither of these words being counted in and from the evil of the blowers on knots (wa min sharr al-naffathat fi’l-‘uqad) is a sign indicating an extremely subtle relationship. For there is good as well as evil in people (khalq), and not all evil is visited on everyone. Alluding to this, from (min) and evil (sharr), which are partitive, are counted. But the envier is altogether evil when he envies, so there is no need for the partitive. And according to the allusion of the blowers on knots, there is no need for the word evil to be counted here, for all the works of those casters of spells and sorcerer diplomats who have set the globe ablaze for their own benefits are pure evil.

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