The Staff of Moses | The Eleventh Topic | 9
Your pleasures in this world are very few and fleeting and the penalties and torments you will suffer in the hereafter will be very great and very longlasting. For me, death will be a discharge from duties. Go away! I am not going to bother with you, do whatever you like!" They feel not anger at their enemies, but pity and compassion. They try to reform them, in the hope they shall be saved.
Secondly: And believes in God has grasped the most trustworthy handhold. These two sacred sentences have a powerful relationship, and according to abjad and jafr reckoning the first corresponds exactly with the name Risaletii'n-Nur, and the second corresponds in meaning, and according to jafr reckoning with its being realized and perfected and its brilliant conquests. These correspondences are an indication that this century at this date, the Risaletii'n-Nur is a most trustworthy handhold. That is, it is an unbreakable chain of great strength and a "rope of God (hablullāh)" They inform through their allusive meanings that those who lay hold of it and cling onto it will be saved.
Thirdly: Both in meaning and according to jafr reckoning, the sentence God is the Protector of those who have faith makes an allusion to the Risa-letii'n-Nur, as follows....
(The curtain descended here and permission was not given to write it. It has been postponed to another time.)

The reason permission was not given to write the remainder of this point for now is that it touches to an extent on politics and this world, and we are prohibited from considering these. Yes, the verse, Man is indeed overweening50 looks to this 'tāghūt' and draws attention to it...
Said Nursi

Part of a letter from Husrev,
the hero of the Risale-i Nur, in connection with the Eleventh Topic of the Fruits of Belief In His Name, be He glorified! And there is nothing but it glorifies Him with praise.
May the peace and mercy and blessings of God be upon you.' My Beloved and Esteemed Master!
With the great good it contains for this nation and country, with its Ninth Topic The Fruits of Belief was not only the means of salvation of its students while in the midst of their greatest enemies and the awesomely rebellious, but also with its Tenth and Eleventh Topics, it applauded the Risale-i Nur students in particular on the ways of reality.
Moreover, concerning the circumstances of the grave, which we are certain to enter, by making familiar that place under the earth, which makes everyone tremble and is a source of terror for the heedless in particular, where we will meet and speak with the angels; it made us happy at their companionship, and dispelled our terrible fears about that first stopping-place, letting us breathe freely. In the hands of those like me who have not seen that luminous life. ¡I resembles an electric lamp whose rays penetrate hundreds of thousands of years. It also resembles a model flower-garden, the scents of which are ever a source of delight.
Yes, I suggest to our beloved Master that like students who everyday recite their lessons to their teacher, we should always describe to our beloved Master the effulgence we receive from the Risale-i Nur. But for now our beloved Master is refraining from speaking.
My Dear Master! The reality of the Risale-i Nur, the beauty of the Fruits, and effulgence of its flowers have driven me to utter a few words, gratefully, in the name of my country, and have breathed life into many hearts which speak like mine. But now, due to the "flower" of the Eleventh Fruit of Belief, the steps taken against the Risale-i Nur in our area and the hands raised against it, have become harsher and stronger, and have been stirred into action.
Your humble student, Husrev
50. Qur'an.96:6.
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