The Staff of Moses | The Ninth Proof | 6
And since there is man, who rules over the earth, which is thus, has disposal over most creatures, and subjects most living beings gathering them around himself; and since he so orders, displays, and gathers each remarkable species together in one place like a list, adorning them, that he attracts not only the attention and admiration of men and jinn, but of the dwellers of the heavens and the universe, and the appreciative gaze of the universe's Owner, thus gaining great importance and high worth; and since he shows through his sciences and arts that he is the purpose of the universe's creation, and its most important result, and most precious fruit, and the Divine vicegerent on earth; and since because with respect to this world, he has ordered and displayed excellently the miraculous arts of the world's Maker, he is left in this world despite his rebellion and disbelief, and his punishment is postponed, and because of this work of his, his term is prolonged and is allowed success...
And since there is an extremely powerful, wise, and compassionate Disposer Who makes the mighty globe into a treasury of every sort of metal and mineral that man needs in a way entirely beyond his strength and will — who despite being weak, impotent, and wanting by nature and creation, has innumerable needs and is subject to innumerable pains— and since He makes it into a store of every sort of food, and a shop stocking goods of every kind that pleases man, and looks to man in this way, and nurtures him, and gives him what he wants...
And since there is a Sustainer Who is thus, Who both loves man and causes man to love Him, and Who is enduring and has eternal worlds, and Who performs every work with justice and carries out everything with wisdom; and since the splendour of that Pre-Eternal Sovereign's rule and His eternal dominion cannot be contained in this brief worldly life, and in man's fleeting span, and in the temporary and transient earth; and since the excessive wrongdoing and rebellion that occur among men, which are contrary to and opposed to the universe's order, justice, balance, and beauty, and their denial, treachery, and disbelief towards their Benefactor, Who nurtures them tenderly, — since they are not punished in this world, and the cruel oppressor passes his life in ease while the unhappy oppressed live in hardship; and since the absolute justice whose traces are to be seen throughout the universe is entirely opposed to the cruel tyrant and despairing oppressed being equal in death, and would in no way permit it...
And since just as the universe's Owner has chosen the earth from the universe, and man from the earth and bestowed on him a high rank and importance; so out of mankind He has chosen the prophets, saints, and purified ones, true human beings who conform to the aims of His dominicality and through their belief and submission make Him love them; He has taken them as friends and addressees, and bestowed miracles and success on them and punished their enemies with heavenly blows. And out of these worthy and lovable friends He has chosen their leader and source of pride, Muhammad (Peace and blessings be upon him), and for long centuries has illuminated with his Light half the globe and a fifth of humanity; as though the universe was created for him, all its purposes become apparent through him and his religion and the Qur'an. And although he deserved to live for an infinite time in recompense for his infinitely valuable service, for millions of years, he only lived a brief sixty-three years of great hardship and striving. Is there any possibility then that he should not be resurrected together with all his peers and friends? That they should not now be living in the spirit? That they should have been annihilated eternally? God forbid, a hundred thousand times! Yes, all the universe and the reality of the world demand that he should be resurrected and they beseech the universe's Owner that he should be living...
And since in the Seventh Ray, The Supreme Sign, each with the strength of a mountain, the thirty-three powerful consensuses have proved that the universe emerged from a single hand and is the property of a single being; and have demonstrated self-evidently His unity and oneness, the means of the Divine perfections; and through unity and oneness all beings become like soldiers under orders and subservient officials; and with the coming of the hereafter, perfections are saved from decline, absolute justice from mocking cruelty, universal wisdom from foolish absurdity, all-embracing mercy from jeering torment, and the dignity of power from abased impotence, and they are exonerated from this...
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