al-Jawshan al-Kabîr | al-Jawshan al-Kabîr | 3
1 О My God! beseech Thee through Thy Names:
O God;
Most Merciful;
One of Might;
Pre-eternally Existent;
Ever Enduring;
Most Generous—
Glory be unto Thee, Thou art without partner or fault!
There is no god but Thee! Mercy, mercy, deliver us from Hell-fire!

2 О Lord of lords!
O Answerer of prayer;
О Preserver of good deeds;
О Most Lofty in degree;
O Bestower of blessings;
O Forgiver of sins;
O Repulser of afflictions;
О Hearer of sounds;
O Granter of requests;
O Knower of things secret and hidden— Glory be unto Thee, Thou art without partner or fault! There is no god but Thee! Mercy, mercy, deliver us from Hell-fire!
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