al-Jawshan al-Kabîr | al-Jawshan al-Kabîr | 6
7 O Forgiver of faults;
О Remover of afflictions;
О End of all hopes;
О Munificent Bestower;
О One abounding in gifts;
О Provider of His creatures;
O Decreer of their deaths;
О Hearer of complaints;
O Despatcher of armies;
О Freer of captives—
Glory be unto Thee, Thou art without partner or fault!
There is no god but Thee! Mercy, mercy, deliver us from Hell-fire!

8 О One worthy of all praise and laudation;
О One of glory and sublimity;
О One of pride and splendour;
О Faithful fulfiller of promises;
О One of forgiveness and good pleasure;
О Beneficent Bestower of gifts;
О Issuer of decision and decree;
Mighty, Eternal;
Munificent, Bountiful;
О Gracious Bestower of blessings—
Glory be unto Thee, Thou art without partner or fault!
There is no god but Thee! Mercy, mercy, deliver us from Hell-fire!
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