al-Jawshan al-Kabîr | al-Jawshan al-Kabîr | 8
11 O My refuge in misfortune;
My hоре in disaster;
My friend in desolation;
My companion in loneliness;
My benefactor and beneficent friend;
Dispeller of my cares;
My Succourer in need;
My Stronghold in my plight;
My Helper in time of fear;
My Guide in time of confusion—
Glory be unto Thee, Thou art without partner or fault!
There is no god but Thee! Mercy, mercy, deliver us from Hell-fire!

12 О One All-Knowing of the Unseen;
О One Ever-Forgiving of sins;
О Veiler of faults;
O Dispeller of grief;
O Overturner of hearts;
O Adorner of hearts;
О Illuminator of hearts;
О Physician of hearts;
О Beloved of hearts;
О Intimate of hearts—
Glory be unto Thee, Thou art without partner or fault!
There is no god but Thee! Mercy, mercy, deliver us from Hell-fire!
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