al-Jawshan al-Kabîr | al-Jawshan al-Kabîr | 5
5 O God! beseech Thee through Thy Names:
Most Kind! Most Beneficent! Requiter of deeds; Oft-Forgiving! Proof;
True Sovereign;
Free of fault and defect;
Implored of help;
Bounteous Offerer of clear evidence;
Giver of quarter—
Glory be unto Thee, Thou art without partner or fault!
There is no god but Thee! Mercy, mercy, deliver us from Hell-fire!

6 О He before whose grandeur all things are abased;
О He to whose power all things yield;
О He before whose might all things are brought low;
О He to whose awesomeness all things defer;
О He to whose dominion all things submit;
О He at the dread of whom all things are humbled;
О He out of fear of whom the mountains are cleft;
О He at whose command the heavens are upheld;
О He through whose leave the earth is stable;
О He who assails not the people of His kingdom— Glory be unto Thee, Thou art without partner or fault! There is no god but Thee! Mercy, mercy, deliver us from Hell-fire!
No Voice