al-Jawshan al-Kabîr | al-Jawshan al-Kabîr | 4
3 Ο Best оf Pardoners; Ο Best of Helpers;
О Best of Judges;
О Best of Openers;
О Best Rememberer of His friends;
О Best of Inheritors;
О Best of Praisers;
О Best of Providers;
О Most Discriminating of Judges;
О One of unsurpassed beneficence—
Glory be unto Thee, Thou art without partner or fault! There is no god but Thee! Mercy, mercy, deliver us from Hell-fire!

4 О One of Might and Beauty;
О Possessor of Dominion and Glory;
О Owner of Power and Perfection;
О He who is Sublime, Most High;
О He whose stratagems are most powerful;
О He whose chastisement is most severe;
О He who calls to account most swiftly;
О He with whom is the best of rewards;
О He with whom is 'the Mother of the Book';
О He who piles up the laden clouds— Glory be unto Thee, Thou art without partner or fault! There is no god but Thee! Mercy, mercy, deliver us from Hell-fire!
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