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A Few Social Principles

If you want some principles for society: unequal justice is not justice.

Resemblance is an important reason for contrariety. Mutual proportion is the basis of solidarity.

Small-mindedness is the source of pride. Pusillanimity is the mine of arrogance. Impotence is the source of opposition.

Curiosity is the teacher of knowledge. Need is the master of progress. Distress is the teacher of dissipation.

Thus, the source of dissipation is distress. As for distress, its mine is despair and pessimism.

Misguidance springs from ideas, darkness stems from the heart, wastefulness pertains to the body.

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Women Left Their Homes and Led Mankind Astray

When men become amiable through following their fancies, women become masculine by being impudent.33

Low civilization took womankind out of their homes, and turning them into common goods, destroyed the respect in which they were held.

The Shari'a of Islam mercifully invites them back to their homes. It is there they are respected, in their homes they are comfortable, in family life.

Cleanliness is their adornment; their good character is their splendour; their gracious beauty is their chastity; their compassion, their perfection; their children, their relaxation.

With so many tools of corruption, one has to be as strong and unyielding as steel to withstand them.

A beautiful woman entering a gathering of brothers, arouses veins of hypocrisy, rivalry, envy, and selfishness. Slumbering desires suddenly awaken.

Increased freedom for women led to a sudden unfolding of bad morality in mankind. The represented forms of little smiling corpses have played a large role in making the evil-polluted perverse spirit of modern man what it is.34

The prohibited statue is either petrified tyranny, or embodied lust, or personified hypocrisy. Or it is a talisman, attracting those evil spirits.

33. This is the basis of Tesettür Risalesi [The Twenty-Fourth Flash, Treatise On Islamic Dress for Women], Twenty years later, a court of law forever shamed itself and its judges by making it the pretext for the author's conviction. 

34. Just as to look lustfully at a dead woman shows an awesomely degenerate soul, so to look at a beautiful picture of an unfortunate female corpse needy for compassion, extinguishes the elevated sentiments of the spirit.

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