The Words | GLEAMS | 764

Materialism Is an Immaterial Plague

Materialism is an immaterial plague; mankind caught this fearsome fever.36 Its inculcation and imitation caused mankind to be visited suddenly by Divine wrath.

This plague spreads to the extent the ability to criticize spreads. It was inculcated by science, and learnt blind imitation from modern civilization.

Freedom led to criticism; misguidance sprang from its pride.

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There Is Nothing Idle In Existence;

The Unemployed Man Works On Account of Non-Existence

The most miserable, wretched, and distressed person, is the unemployed. For idleness is non-existence within existence, death within life. Whereas exertion is the life of existence, and the waking state of life!

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Usury and Interest Cause Absolute Harm to Islam

Usury is the cause of idleness, it extinguishes enthusiasm for work.

The profit of the doors of usury and their containers, the banks, is always for the worst group of mankind, the infidels.

The infidels' profits go to the worst of them, that is, the oppressors.

The profit of the oppressors always goes to the worst of them; that is, the dissolute; it causes the World of Islam absolute harm.

In the view of the Shari'a all mankind cannot always be prosperous. For a belligerent infidel is disrespectful, unchaste, and his blood is spilt for nothing, always.

36. This alludes to the First World War

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