The Words | GLEAMS | 765

The Qur'an Will Defend Itself and Perpetuate Its Sovereignty 37

I saw someone who was stricken by despair, he was sick with pessimism. He said: "The 'ulama have decreased in number, quantity has replaced quality.

"I'm frightened our religion will die out one day." I replied: So long as the universe is not extinguished, Islamic belief will not die.

Also, so long as the marks of Islam, the minarets of religion, the places of

Divine worship, the works of the Shari'a, all like nails struck in the face of the earth, —so long as they are not extinguished, Islam will ever shine.

All the mosques are instructors, teaching their frequenters; and all the instructors have become masters; through the tongue of disposition, without error or forgetfulness, they instil in them the religion.

All the marks are learned teachers, constantly teaching the spirit of Islam to those who look on them. With the centuries, they have become the cause of continuity.

The lights of Islam are as though embodied in its marks; and the pure water of Islam has solidified in its places of worship, embodying them — each a pillar of belief.

The injunctions of Islam are as though embodied within its works; the pillars of Islam have become petrified in its worlds — each a diamond pillar; through them the earth and sky are bound together .

Especially the orator of the Qur'an of Miraculous Exposition, a constantly repeated pre-eternal discourse; no village, no place at all has remained within the Islamic lands

That does not listen to its address, does not hear its teaching. According to the inner meaning of Indeed We preserve it,38 to be a hafiz is a very high station. To recite it is worship for men and jinn.

It is for this reason it should be taught, and its incontestable matters mentioned. With constant repetition, theoretical matters become incontestable, and turn into self-evident facts, not requiring further expounding.

The essentials of religion ceased being theoretical matters and became essentials. To mention them is sufficient. To remind is enough. The Qur'an is always a healer.39

The Islamic revival and social awakening provides evidence for everyone and a balance, for reminders and mentioning.

Since social life began in Islam, the belief of an individual is not restricted to proofs particular to himself; it is based on the conscience. Indeed, it is based on innumerable matters in the common heart.

It is worthy of note, it is difficult to abolish even a weak school of thought as time passes. So what about Islam, which is based on the two firm foundations of revelation and innate disposition, and has ruled so effectively for so many centuries!

With its firmly rooted principles, its profound works, it has cohered to half the globe, becoming a natural spirit. If it is now eclipsed, it will immediately emerge!

But regretably certain giddy infidels with their false arguments attack the firm foundations of this lofty palace whenever they find the chance.

38. Qur'an, 15:9.
39. For further explanation, see, The Twenty-Seventh Word, pp. 498-9 in the present work.

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