The Words | GLEAMS | 763

The Angels Are a Community, Charged With the Shari'a of Creation

There are two Divine Shari'as: proceeding from two attributes, man is addressed by both, and bound to comply with both.

The Shari'a of Creation, which proceeds from the attribute of Will, orders the circumstances and motions of the world, the macrocosm, which are not voluntary. It is dominical will, and is also wrongly termed 'Nature.'

The Shari'a proceeding from the attribute of Speech is the code of laws which orders the actions of man, the microcosm, which are voluntary.

The two Shari'as sometimes come together in the same place. The Divine angels are a vast community, a Divine army.

They are obedient bearers of the first Shari'a, workers and representatives. Some of them are worshipping slaves of God, others throng the Divine Throne in ecstasy.

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As Matter Is Refined, Life Is Intensified

Life is fundamental, basic; matter is dependent on it, and subsists through it. If you compare a microscopic organism with its five senses, and man's senses, you will see that however much larger man is than the organism, his senses are inferior to the same degree.

The organism hears its brother's voice. It sees its food. If it was enlarged to the size of a man, its senses would be wondrous, its life dazzling, and the sight of it like a lightning flash lighting up the skies.

Man is not a living being composed of dead beings, but a living human cell composed of thousands of millions of living cells.

Man is like the Sura Ya. Sin., in which is inscribed Sura Ya. Sin. Blessed be God, the Best of Creators!35

35.Qur'an 23:14 (please look at for explanation  The Words | The Thirty-Second Word | second stopping place | page 644)

No Voice