The Words | GLEAMS | 762

The Scope of Divine Power Rejects Intermediaries and Helpers

From the point of view of the comprehensive effectiveness of the disposals of the All-Glorious and Powerful One's power, our sun is like a particle.

There are vast disposals of power in a single realm of beings. Take the gravity between two particles,

Then go and put it beside the gravity between the Sun of Suns and the Milky Way.

Bring an angel whose load is a snowflake to the radiant angel who holds the sun; put a needle-fish beside a whale;

Conceive at once of the vast manifestation of the Pre-Eternal All-Powerful One of Glory, His perfect art in things from the smallest to the greatest;

Customary matters like gravity and laws, fluid intermediaries, are only names for the manifestation of His power and the disposal of His wisdom;

They signify Him alone; they can have no other meaning; think of them together, you will necessarily understand the true cause.

In the view of that power, apparent intermediaries, helpers, and partners are all false, all imaginary and impossible.

Life is the perfection of existence, its rank is high and important. Consequently, I say: why should the globe, our world, not be obedient and subjugated to it, like an animal?

Living birds of the Pre-Eternal Sovereign of this sort are numerous, spread through the arena of space, majestic, beautiful.

Dispersed through the garden of creation, they spin; their refrains, their motion, are words of glorification, modes of worship, of the Pre-Eternal Undying One, the Eternal All-Wise One.

The globe resembles a living being, it displays signs of life. If to suppose the impossible it was reduced to the size of an egg,

There is a strong possibility it would become a tiny animal. If a microorganism was expanded to the size of the earth, most probably it would be just like it.

If the world was reduced to the size of a man, and the stars transformed into particles, it is possible it would become a conscious animal, as well as intelligent.

This means the world with all its parts is a glorifying servant of the Undying Creator, the Eternal All-Powerful One, obedient, subjugated.

To be large quantitatively does not always infer being great qualitatively, for a clock the size of a mustard-seed is more eloquent than a clock the size of Ay a Sophia.

A fly's creation is more wondrous than that of an elephant, that undiscrimi-nating creature.

If a Qur'an was to be written by the Pen of Power in atoms of ether on the minutest particle, the art being in inverse proportion to the size of the page,

Its eloquence would be equal to a Qur'an written in stars on the face of the heavens. The Pre-Eternal Inscriber's art is everywhere of the utmost beauty and perfection.

Everywhere it is thus. The pen proclaims Divine unity since it always works with utter perfection. Study carefully this most meaningful piece!

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