The Flashes (Revised 2009 edition) | The Sixth Flash | 46

The Sixth Flash




Again, there was to have been a treatise explaining in fifteen or twenty degrees of reflective  thought the important truth stated in numerous verses of the Qur’an and expressed  by the phrase: There is no power and strength save through God, the

Exalted, the Mighty.”1,2  Like the Fifth Flash, this consisted of degrees I had perceived

in myself and observed through reflection and remembrance of God in my journeying of  the  spirit.  Therefore,  since  it  was  more  a  means  to  illumination and  spiritual pleasure than intellectual knowledge and reality, it seemed appropriate to include it at the end of the Flashes, which are about reality, rather than among them.









 1   See, Bukhari, Tahajjud, 21; Nasai, Sahw, 83.

2   See Note above.
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